Manufacturer / Waters



WATERS™ Corporation is a traditional and innovative American company that is known worldwide as the market leader in chromatography. With an extensive product range of more than 7.000 articles, Waters covers the following product groups, among others:


  • UPLC™ Columns
  • HPLC Columns
  • SFC Columns
  • GPC (SEC) Columns
  • Sample Preparation
  • Sample Vials and Accessories
  • Analytical standards and reagents

MZ-Analysentechnik GmbH is an official distribution partner of Waters™. We are happy to help you with column selection and application search. Compare our prices and delivery times with non-binding offers. We support you with your question!


Technical Data

Which product line can be used when?

  • Acquity: UHPLC columns based on silica particles smaller than 2 µm, suitable for high-throughput method development
  • Nova-Pak: HPLC columns and cartridges based on silica, available with different modifications
  • Spherisorb: Proven silica-based phases with a wide range of different modifications
  • SunFire: Efficient silica-based HPLC columns with high stability at low pH values
  • Symmetry / SymmetryShield: Silica-based alkyl phases for reversed phase chromatography
  • XBridge: Extremely stable HPLC columns based on ethylene-bridged silica hybrid particles (BEH)
  • XTerra: HPLC columns based on special hybrid particle technology (HPT) with high robustness
  • µBondapak: Proven materials based on irregularly shaped silica gel
  • Atlantis: Robust HPLC columns especially for polar analytes, compatible with 100% water
  • BioResolve: (U)HPLC columns for the analysis of biomolecules, especially monoclonal antibodies
  • BioSuite: Columns for bioanalysis with a wide range of separation techniques
  • Cortecs: Core-shell materials for efficient and fast separations in reversed phase chromatography and HILIC
  • DeltaPak: HPLC columns for the separation of peptides, proteins and other biomolecules
  • IC-Pak: Special polymer-based columns for ion chromatography
  • nanoEase: Capillary columns based on fused silica for HPLC and UHPLC
  • Oasis, Sep-Pak: SPE cartridges for sample preparation by solid phase extraction
  • Porasil - µPorasil: Proven phases for normal phase chromatography based on porous silica
  • Protein-Pak: Columns for analysing biomolecules (especially proteins) using IEX and HIC
  • Resolve: HPLC columns based on silica with different modifications, always without endcapping
  • Styragel: Polymer-based phases for size exclusion chromatography (GPC)
  • Torus: Special columns for supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) based on silica hybrid particles (BEH)
  • Ultrahydrogel: Polymer-based columns for size exclusion chromatography with aqueous eluents (GFC)
  • Ultrastyragel: Phases for size exclusion chromatography (GPC) on a preparative scale
  • Viridis: Special columns for supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) based on silica
  • XSelect: Large selection of silica-based phases for method development and routine analysis

