Manufacturer / ChromaNik Technologies Inc.

ChromaNik Technologies Inc.


ChromaNik Technologies Inc.™ is a Japanese manufacturer of innovative (U)HPLC columns. Through its unique bonding and end capping technologies, stable phases with very low silanol activity are obtained. The product range includes fully porous- and core-shell columns, which ensure fast and reliable analysis results, due to their unique surface modifications.


Technical Data

Which product line can be used when

  • ArmorShell: Core-shell materials with tandem TMS endcapping for fast separations and high pH stability
  • Prominent: Fully porous materials with tandem TMS endcapping for high pH stability
  • SunArmor: HPLC columns with special endcapping for high base stability
  • SunBridge: Particularly robust columns based on ethylene-bridged hybrid silica with complex endcapping
  • Sunniest: Unique phases with very high shielding of the silica surface, extremely stable
  • Sunrise: Phases with conventional endcapping or SAC technology for controlled silanol quantity
  • Sunshell: Extremely stable core-shell phases with Sunniest endcapping for a variety of separation techniques


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