Manufacturer / MicroSolv



MicroSolv™ Technology Corporation is a privately held company in the USA that acquires, develops and manufactures technologies such as TYPE-C HPLC columns, RSA autosampler vials, syringe filters, HPLC fittings, Capillary Electrophoresis dynamic coatings and other tools for separation sciences. With their unique Silica Hydride Technology MicroSolv has the goal tol revolution the chromatography world and to break HPLC limits.

What is Cogent Type-C silica?

TYPE-C silica or silica hydride is a highly purified silica particle with a surface of silica hydrides instead of silanols. Due to the lack of free silanol groups on the surface, the Cogent Type-C particles do not show any hydration shell.

Advantages of Cogent Type-C Silica Columns:

  • no bleeding
  • no column degradation, therefore very long column life
  • unique selectivity
  • strong retention
  • excellent for LC/MS

Technical Data

Which product line can be used when?

  • Cogent: HPLC columns based on Type-C silica in various modifications for normal to reversed phase
  • Cogent HPS: HPLC columns based on base-deactivated silica with proprietary endcapping
  • Cogent IEX: Silica-based columns for ion chromatography
  • Cogent RP & NP: Silica-based columns for reversed and normal phase chromatography
  • Di-Ad Connectors: Column connectors with automatically adjusting pilot length


